Photo by: thenet.ng |
In a socio-economically
developing country especially, like Nigeria,
presidential posturing and actions can weigh significantly on the shape
and direction of the national psyche. Alarmed at the engineered polarization of
the national psyche and consequent tensions I sought access to the president's
ears. Extracts of my two hour engagement with the president are shared
Me: Good evening Mr President and thank you for your time.
President Jonathan (GEJ): You are welcome and how are things
with you?
Me: Things are okay with me sir, business is good, family is
fine and I can say that I am enjoying life but things are depressing!
GEJ: You seem to be contradicting yourself or did I not get
you clearly?
Me: Sir, it is the same contradiction as that of Nigeria
being a rich country with poor people. The pervading atmosphere is that of
dejection and anger. You are aware sir, that a volcano can lie dormant
'forever' but you don't tempt fate by going to live nearby and thinking that if
it has not erupted all this while it must be in a state of permanent docility.